Are you experiencing some of the following symptoms as you approach menopause?
Physical symptoms:
- hot flushes
- increasing tiredness
- night sweats
- aches and pains
- bloating
- crawling or itchy skin
- headaches/migraines
- urinary problems
- vaginal dryness
- sleep disturbance
- weight gain
Emotional symptoms:
- difficulty concentrating
- difficulty sleeping
- feeling anxious or irritable
- feeling you are not able to cope as well as you used to
- forgetfulness
- increasing PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
- less interest in sex
- lowered mood
- mood swings
Call us on 02 6652 8111 to book an appointment with one of our female doctors to discuss your symptoms and treatment options.
Websites we like:
Perimenopause & Menopause Toolkit – NSW Government